A Very Liberal Response to Israel
Anyone who really pays attention to Bible
prophecy knows, Israel IS THE Ground Zero
stage, the end of the book will play out on.
And, there’s been one preacher laying out
the Last Day Events like he has the blueprints!
Pastor Joseph Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries.
Preaching since 2005, standing on a foundation of nearing 500 sermons regarding the
“Last Days” events, Pastor Joseph Cortes has set his message apart from all the
science fiction that’s taken for doctrine throughout the Christian world.
Here’s a quick sample.
We’re now witnessing the last days prophecies play out
in real-time 24/7/365, worldwide, by all major news outlets. We’re presenting this series about Israel from the most recent sermons, to back well over a decade in time when Pastor Cortes began sounding the alarm to anyone with eyes to see, and ears to hear it.
(we encourage scrolling down to the beginning)
Ready to find out if that’s you?
Broadcast date: 10/26/2023 – But of the Times – Update 1
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes mapping out exactly where Hamas, and the Islamic eighth beast places Israel in the world. Once again, reaching back to Old Testament prophecies we see fulfilled, and yet to come.
It’s looking like we’re watching the end times roll-out in real-time folks.
October 23 2023 – 1948
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes staying with the subject of Israel while the war with Hamas enters its third week, and the ground invasion by Israel into Gaza is looming.
Tonight Pastor shows us, with timelines, how two different prophecies, from two different prophets in the Old Testament, both predict the May 14, 1948 birth of the New State of Israel, TO THE DAY!
Broadcast date: 10/19/2023 – No More Hamas!
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes in this blood-curdling account of the true nature of the Hamas slaughtering of Jews in Israel, and around the world.
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes shining light on the origins of the Star of David. The star has a message few Christians or Jews realize, and the Pastor has a prophetic message written in the Bible the Palestinians never hear!.
Timeline Note: The 2023 Hamas launched war in Israel is now just over a week old.
Broadcast date: 10/12/2023 – Ancient Prophecies Revealed
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes as the Hamas WAR rages against Israel in real-time with his teaching us about how we got here at this moment (prophetically speaking), and, the possibilities of where we’re going.
Broadcast date: 10/09/2023 – Israel Gaza Update
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes as he returns to the chair during the Hamas onslaught(er) in Israel, that came just two days after he preached the VERY POSSIBILITY of an Iran backed assault on the Holy Land.
Broadcast date: 10/05/2023 – 8 Princes & 7 Shepherds
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes as he FINALLY ANSWERS the question he receives most often from his audience of learners: “When is Jesus going to return?” Not kidding folks, pastor lays it out plainly for all to see and hear.
This is the one you’ve been waiting to share with everyone you know and love!
Broadcast date: 08/25/2022 – Israel is the Fig Tree!
Join Pastor Joseph Cortes expand off his introduction message about the “Fig Tree” in scriptures referring to the Israelite’s/Jews.
Get ready for a quick tour of each of Biblical records identifying the “fig tree.”
Then pastor reads some historical data concerning the land of Israel and how it became a nation overnight and went from a desolate plain back to it’s original condition of flowing with milk and honey, in a single generation.
WHY? Because it’s time!
Broadcast date: 12/12/2019 – Israel’s Silver and Gold
We find in Ezekiel 38 the prophecy of the Gog Magog war, and are given a clue as to why the northern Islamic countries decide to invade in Ezekiel 38:13 “Art thou come to take a spoil? …to carry away silver and gold?” Presently Israel isn’t known for their gold and silver reserves.
So what could change that would entice a war to steal them?
How about the discovery of mind blowing gold riches?
Broadcast date: 06/26/2011 – Mountain of Israel – The Next Generation Palestinian
It’s been said “if you can get a child when he is 7, you’ll have him forever”. When it comes to changing the next generation, one has to start when they are very young. Education is the key. It’s where you instill the values that you want the next generation to live with.
For example, after the fall of Nazi Germany it was imperative the next generation was wiped clean of the notions of Nazism in order for the country to develop into a healthy, peace loving democracy.
In this 88th episode of Pastor Joseph Cortes’ “Last Days” series, he exposes the methods and motives surrounding the education of modern day Palestinian youth, and a compelling argument for Israel to never give up the Golan Heights
Broadcast date: 05/27/2011 – Hatred of Old Against the of State Israel
Where does the hatred of Israel stem from? One has to search the Biblical history that shows the divisions between the Israelite’s and Arab nations.
Now you may not believe that a God called Jehovah created all things, or the stories in the Bible are factual, that doesn’t matter, what matters is, the Israelite’s and the Arab peoples do. Specifically, the claim Abraham was their father, and their rightful inheritance includes the lands of Israel God promised to Abraham. This is where the conflict starts. The question comes down to which side is the rightful heir.
In this study, Pastor Joe Cortes analyzes the Biblical scripture to discover where the long held hatred towards Israel began, and follows its effects through history right up to the modern day standoff and warfare at the borders of Israel.
Broadcast date: 05/22/2011 – Israel Under Attack – Why All The Fuss With The Tiny State Of Israel?
What is it about the tiny State of Israel that has the entire middle east community wanting to destroy it? Why is it that Israel is able to hold off their enemies being they are surrounded on every side, and outnumbered and outgunned on a grand scale?
Why is it the Palestinians must be crammed into the 8,367 square miles of today’s State of Israel, compared to the surrounding 1,893,401 square miles of the countries that surround them?
In this 86th episode of Pastor Joseph Cortes’ “Last Days” series, he explains the history and motives behind the exaggerated aggression towards the prophetical land of Israel, and its future.
Broadcast date: 10/28/2009 – 1948 New State of Israel Prophecies Fulfilled
Do you think the 1948 date when Israel was reborn as a state and recognized by the United States of America was some random happening not foretold by Biblical prophecy? Well think again.
Join this lecture presented by Joseph Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries as he tracks us through the Old Testament that foretells the 1948 date in future history.
Broadcast date: 09/20/2009 – 42 months of Jacob’s Trouble
Once you acknowledge the Book of Revelation was written to and for the Jews in Israel (As Jesus tells John in Ch. 1), you can begin to see through the foolishness of modern day end times teachings, starting with Daniel’s magical end times last seven years 70th week Pre-Tribulation rapture nonsense. In this teaching you will learn the precise dates when the Great Tribulation starts and ends. Hint: It ain’t in the future.
Join Joseph A. Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries in this study of the 42 months. It isn’t a future event. It’s history. It was “Jacob’s trouble”. It was the GREAT TRIBULATION.
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