The Last Trump(s) – Jesus and Don!

The problem with the popular end times doctrines are they fail to recognize the “End Times” has two parts.

The first part of the “end times” started 2000 years ago, at the moment of the resurrection. The LAST PART OF THE END TIMES started with the rebirth of Israel as a State on May 14, 1948. It’s THAT GENERATION which will not pass away until they see the coming of our Lord.

Modern Christian doctrines fail to recognize the first SIX TRUMPETS blew between the Resurrection and the restoration of the State of Israel. And this perversion of the Gospel timeline has untold millions of Christians waiting to be RAPTURED to escape the horrors described as the 7 Trumps blow. And boy do they have a day of reckoning coming. And very soon.

God is screaming at the world to WTFU!

There will never be a screenwriter better than God. What are the chances that on the doorstep of the Seventh Trump blast  announcing the coming of the Lord Jesus our Christ, that we have a guy named “Trump” (that very well may be the last American President), on world stage, with the world’s spotlight on him?

Are we about to see the IMPOSSIBLE second coming of President Trump as God’s ushers in the LAST TRUMP with the man who established the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem?

It’s time to start recognizing: THIS IS NOT A COINCEDENCE.

Are you ready to WTFU, for Christ sake!

7 Trumps – 6 Down ONE TO GO!