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Last Days Prophecy In The News is What’s Hot!

As a Christian, you most likely agree you are living in the Last Days just before the return of Jesus Christ. Right? Well, are you not expecting to see it coming? Or did you fall for all the Pre-tribulation Rapture 7-years of Dad’s wrath being poured out on the people left behind Bullspit?

Hopefully you’re awake at the wheel and watching, and warning, and getting really fricken excited. If you are, YOU’LL LOVE THIS ROOM!

“Only one life twill soon be passed. And only what’s done for Christ will last.” This life is our opportunity to magnify and honor the Lord concerning the things that are important to Him. Do not squander the opportunity to give back to the Lord.
Pastor Joseph Cortes

jesusmaga, jesus maga, #jesusmaga, jesus christ, Christian, trump, radical maga, maga extremist, Donald trump, make america great again, trump, last trump, feast of the trumpets, joseph cortes, president trump

Apostle Paul’s Vision of the Days We Live In

Find the entire series here:

II Timothy Ch. 3 translated in Greek by Pastor Joseph Cortes.

1. Be sure to know without exception what I am about to say to you.  In the very last part of the last days, at the end of the age, dangerous, unpredictable, harmful, uncontrollable high-risk periods of time will come.  

2. People will be self-consumed, self-absorbed, self-focused, and in love with themselves more than anyone else.  Because of this, they will hoard money for themselves while giving very little help to others.  These boasters are so committed to their own self-promotion and agenda that they are willing to exaggerate and lie if it will get them the position, advantage, or agenda they desire.  They are arrogant, snooty, and high-and-mighty.  They mock, slander, and speak ill of anyone that stands in the way of their plans.  Also, parents will no longer be able to persuade, lead or exercise authority over their children…Although they were once thankful, people will become void of gratitude for everything in the last days. As a result, impurity will seep into society and cause it to become unholy — unholy, coarse, vulgar, offensive, crude, lewd, and rude, living and carrying on in a way that God would never sanction.
3. Love and commitment to the family will diminish; divorce will become epidemic, with irreconcilable differences being the primary cause for separation. The legal system will be overwhelmed as people go overboard in suing others and being sued. Without self-control, savage and inhumane, morally confused about right or wrong. Offenders are protected, and the innocent suffer.

4. Traitors-betrayers. Many will be preoccupied with and for their violence, but all of this will pass. As a storm appears on the horizon and brings destruction with it, these violent winds in society will not last long. Many will be preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and happiness that gratifies the flesh—no more lovers of God but lovers of this world and what it offers.

For the entire series go to

Presented by Pastor Joseph Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries at

This video is part of an extensive series called “The Last Days”. It can be found in the “Teaching Center” video section on the website. Click here to go to it:

joe cortes, joseph cortes, joseph a cortes, jesusmaga, jesus maga, #jesusmaga, jesus christ, Christian, trump, radical maga, maga extremist, Donald trump, make america great again, trump, last trump, feast of the trumpets, joseph cortes, president trump
Click to read what you should know about Joe

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